How to Find Time to Bullet Journal

Joyful journaling

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is, “How do you find time to journal/bullet journal?”

In this post I will share how I find, or make time to journal and why. I hope it will help you find new ways to add journaling into your lifestyle whatever it looks like!

My Lifestyle

I am a wife, a mom to a busy toddler, and I work a full-time job. Outside of 40 hours a week, there is still laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, groceries, church… The list goes on! In today’s busy world I imagine your life can look similar to the full plate I do my best to balance.

The truth is, no matter what your life looks like in any given season, SELF CARE IS CRUTIAL!

Morning routine

Why I make time to Journal

If you are not intentional about making time for yourself, it’s easy to burn out and feel drained.

I decided to start journaling in a season of life where I was feeling totally empty, with nothing left to give. I realized that adding journaling time to my daily routine started to really help the way I was feeling! Even if it was only a small paragraph to start my morning, or a few sentences about what was on my mind before bed. It gave me something to focus on, and I began to look forward to it every day!

Joyful journaling

Journaling has no rules. It’s totally in your control how it comes out. I started adding small doodles to my journal and remembered how much I loved art. This transitioned into bullet journaling over time when I discovered it on Pinterest. (You can follow me on Pinterest here.)

I noticed that this new found love for daily journaling brought me joy! And that’s what I want for you. To find what works for YOU, and what will add some joy into your daily life.


How I Make Time for BuJo

First, I began looking at what I was spending time on that I didn’t need to. For example, scrolling on social media. I didn’t realize how much time I was spending on my phone until I tested out screen time reports…. Oh… My… Goodness…. Enough said.

I also determined it was important after my son was born that it was important for my husband and I to have time to ourselves individually. So once a month, we both take a Saturday completely to ourselves! This has helped so much in bringing self care to a new level.

To be totally honest, you will make time for whatever is most important to you. You have total control over your schedule by what you say, “Yes,” to and what you say, “No,” to. That can look like anything!

“Yes,” I will take on that project at work.

“Yes,” I will participate in the school bake sale, even if I don’t have time to make the cookies…

“Yes,” I will scroll social media for 10 minutes… Which turns into 30 quickly without you even realizing it.

The point is to be intentional about your time. I use to say, “I don’t have time.” The truth is, I did have time, I just wasn’t willing to make changes in my schedule.

When I realized how important it was to take time for myself, I decided to make some changes and LOOK for time in my day. Here are some of the ways I began to add journaling into my day.

Journal time

Where I Found Time in My Day

I began bringing my journal as well as a pen and pencil everywhere.

  • In the car. We drive an hour and a half one way to church every Sunday. That’s three hours of drive time! So I use this time to break out my pencil and sketch in my journal. (I wait until I’m home to go over my sketches with a pen.)

  • On breaks at work. In a full-time job, I get one hour worth of breaks per day in my shift. If I can, I will sit down with my food and draw or journal. This takes my mind off of all the things I have to do once my break is over. Enjoy your break and do something that will bring you joy and refreshing.

  • Morning routine. Don’t stress on this one if you’re not a morning person! I am a morning person and I get up at 4:00am everyday. I grab my coffee, my Bible, devotional, and my journal. I usually have 1 1/2 to 2 hours every morning before I get ready for work that is just me time. If I don’t do this to start my day, I don’t feel as refreshed and ready to take on whatever the day holds.

  • Night routine. I tuck my son into bed and have about an hour before I go to sleep. I usually finish my day with reading and journaling.

  • Weekends/Days off. On days I’m not working, I have a lot more time to play with depending on what we have scheduled. I still wake up early on the weekends! I find I get even more time on the weekend mornings because I don’t have to stop and get ready for work as early.

These are just some of the ways I’ve found that really help me make time for journaling. I’m sure there are many others because everyone’s life looks very different! I’d love to hear how you find time to journal, or if you found any of these ideas helpful?

Leave me a comment below, I’d love to get to know you! Now go add some JOY to your day…

Blessings Lovely,



How to Make an Easy Christmas Countdown in Your Bullet Journal.


How to Find Bullet Journal Inspiration